The fuel delivered must comply with the requirements of MSZ EN 15359 standard. The class code is: NCV2, Cl1, Hg1. The total organically bound halogens (expressed as chlorine) of the solid recycled fuel (SRF) to be burned may not exceed 1%. The customer may only accept solid recycled fuel (SRF) classified according to the specification of MSZ EN ISO 21640:2021 standard and audited by an independent certification body.
The supplier of the solid recycled fuel (SRF) received must for each shipment declare that the product complies with the classification of MSZ EN ISO 21640:2021 standard and provide a certificate stating that the PVC content of the product does not exceed 0.1% (m/m).
Additional characteristics:
- piece size, length of edges with a common vertex (A + B + C): max. 8 cm,
- piece length: max. 4 cm,
- determining particle size: 2-4 cm,
- dust content (particle range less than 3 mm): max. 2%, minimum 50% biodegradable